Surf’s Up 5k…

Didn’t go as well as I had hoped for.

A number of things contributed to a sort of sucky race, I will be glad to put behind me, however one great thing did come out of it.

My brother contacted my best friend who secretly gave him my race info, and he sneakily drove 3 hours in the wee hours of the morning Saturday, registered for the race, and knocked on my door just an hour before race time! I had no idea he was even thinking about coming down to run with me, and was so surprised happy tears sprang from my eyes as soon as I saw him. Could a girl ask for a better brother? Probably not!Blm2uBaIQAAoRtu

Now onto the actual race. It was cold, windy, and rainy!  I did get a bit warm while running but due to the wind and rain did not need to take any layers off. About a mile in my shin splints started to act up! This slowed me way down. I was really frustrated because it was hard to keep running when my shins felt like they would break if I took another step. I think being frustrated only made things worse. I had anxiety and was mad at myself with every passing minute because I knew I wasn’t going to PR. Despite all this, my brother stayed with me and kept telling me that all that mattered was that I finish, which I know he’s right, but I really wanted that PR time.

All and all though, I didn’t do as badly as I feared I would. We crossed the finish line together with a time of 36:45 only about 4 minutes off my goal time.

Looks like it’s back to training and kicking my shins into shape so they listen next time I tell them to stop hurting….

Any suggestions for what to do to prevent shin splints???

2 thoughts on “Surf’s Up 5k…”

  1. you could need new shoes…if they are over 3 months old with a lot of wear on them this could be a reason for getting them…change your surface until they heal, try grass or a treadmill…
    if it is sooo terrible it may need you need to take a few days off to rest and recover! Do some stretches or get a massage as well!
    I use to get them when I first started running but I no longer get them! I think the stronger you get and the more you run the less you will get them!
    Good luck!!!

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